Category Campuswide News & Events

Feb. 27 – Science Lecture Series: Ram Lalgudi

This Thursday, the Science Lecture Series will host Ram Lalgudi, inventor and CTO of Airable Research Lab. The talk will be held Thursday, Feb. 27, at 4:10 pm, in Room 163 of the science center. Title: Soy-Based Consumer and Industrial…

Feb. 26 @ 12:10 – Ash Wednesday Service in Peale Chapel

On Feb 26, the Chaplain’s Office will be hosting an Ash Wednesday worship service open to all students, faculty, and staff beginning at 12:10 pm in Peale Chapel on the third floor of Hamilton-Williams Campus Center. In the Christian tradition,…

Golden Bishop Awards Nominations Open – Deadline is March 6

The Golden Bishop Awards have been held since 1987 and exist to recognize Ohio Wesleyan students, advisors, and organizations for outstanding achievements in leadership and community service. We are excited to share this year’s awards ceremony will also include Greek…

Feb. 25 – February You Are OWU Winners Announced!

We are pleased to announce this month’s You Are OWU winners: Claire Sterling ’20, student Dylan Hays ’20, student David Soliday, staff member and Instructional Technologist Be sure to join us in the Hamilton-Williams Atrium at noon today to celebrate…

Beginning Today – Shopping Center to Tow Illegally Parked Vehicles

Delaware Shopping Center plans to begin towing vehicles today, Feb. 25, of people parked in its lot (including the former Pat Catan’s store) but not actively patronizing its businesses. Should your vehicle be towed, you could be charged upwards of $100 to…

Mock Convention – Lost & Found

There were a few items left behind in Gray Chapel Saturday afternoon: pair of glasses, an insulated tumbler, and one half of a pair of wireless earphones. Please contact Mrs. Emmons in Elliot 211 or call ext. 3906 to claim.…

Feb. 25 & 26 – TPG Info Sessions

We are offering 2 Theory-to-Practice Grant (TPG) information sessions this week ahead of the Round 3 grant application deadline on Friday, March 6. Tuesday, February 25 @ 12:10 pm in Merrick 106. Wednesday, February 26 @ 4:10 pm in HWCC…

Feb. 27 – Science Lecture Series: Ram Lalgudi

This Thursday, the Science Lecture Series will host Ram Lalgudi, inventor and CTO of Airable Research Lab. The talk will be held Thursday, Feb. 27, at 4:10 pm, in Room 163 of the science center. Title: Soy-Based Consumer and Industrial…

DailyChatter Newsletter Now Available

Thanks to a generous offer from DailyChatter, OWU is now able to offer this international daily newsletter to the OWU campus free of charge. DailyChatter aims to curate some of the most interesting and important global developments and prepare it…

Feb. 25 – “Our War in Vietnam” Lecture

On Tuesday, Feb. 25th, College Republicans and the YDSA are teaming up to sponsor a lecture on the Vietnam war. Vietnam army nurse veteran, Mary Powell, will speak about her experiences and the ramifications of war. This lecture will be…