Category Campuswide News & Events

DailyChatter Newsletter Now Available

Thanks to a generous offer from DailyChatter, OWU is now able to offer this international daily newsletter to the OWU campus free of charge. DailyChatter aims to curate some of the most interesting and important global developments and prepare it…

Mock Convention – Lost & Found

There were a few items left behind in Gray Chapel Saturday afternoon: pair of glasses, an insulated tumbler, and one half of a pair of wireless earphones. Please contact Mrs. Emmons in Elliot 211 or call ext. 3906 to claim.…

Today @ 12:10 – Ash Wednesday Service in Peale Chapel

On Feb 26, the Chaplain’s Office will be hosting an Ash Wednesday worship service open to all students, faculty, and staff beginning at 12:10 pm in Peale Chapel on the third floor of Hamilton-Williams Campus Center. In the Christian tradition,…

Today @ 4:10 – TPG Info Session

We are offering a Theory-to-Practice Grant (TPG) information session today ahead of the Round 3 grant application deadline on Friday, March 6. Wednesday, February 26 @ 4:10 pm in HWCC 229. Again, the deadline for Round 3 Theory-to-Practice Grant applications…

Unhealthy Relationships – Health Tip

It’s cuffing season and all new relationships are exciting but it’s important to know when you deserve better. Oftentimes, people in emotionally abusive relationships don’t understand that they are being abused because there’s no violence involved. However just because you…

Unhealthy Relationships – Health Tip

It’s cuffing season and all new relationships are exciting but it’s important to know when you deserve better. Oftentimes, people in emotionally abusive relationships don’t understand that they are being abused because there’s no violence involved. However just because you…

Feb. 25 – “Our War in Vietnam” Lecture

On Tuesday, Feb. 25, College Republicans and the YDSA are teaming up to sponsor a lecture on the Vietnam War. Vietnam army nurse veteran Mary Powell will speak about her experiences and the ramifications of war. This lecture will be…

Feb. 26 – Fighting Words!

From 2:30-5 in the Faculty-Staff Dining room (by the elevator in HWCC) come watch videos and learn about how language has been leveraged across the world to enact peaceful change. Examples from Argentina, Afghanistan, Serbia, and more! OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office:…

TONIGHT @ 8 – Democratic Debate Watch Party

Come out and watch the South Carolina Democratic debate with College Democrats on Tuesday, Feb. 25th at 8pm in Crider Lounge. Pizza will be provided, so please RSVP to Mic Kreutzer ( to ensure that you can get some! Hope…

Feb. 26 @7 – “What Happens If It Happens?”

OWU Counseling Services and Public Safety would like to invite you to a panel event – “What Happens If It Happens?” This event will have free pizza to enjoy at the event. We will also have free stress balls and…