Category Campuswide News & Events

March 5 @11 – Health and Wellness Fair

Come to the Annual Health and Wellness Fair hosted by the Student Health Center! The Health and Wellness Fair works to connect OWU students to multiple health agencies. 15 organizations will be present that can offer information on mental health,…

Mar. 3 @Noon – Super Tuesday & Race for the Presidency

Will Sanders supporters feel the Bern? Will Mike Bloomberg get it done? What is Elizabeth Warren’s plan for that? What about the rest of the candidates? Pressing questions! Come to the Super Tuesday Roundtable discussion by P&G Faculty in Elliott…

Feb. 28 – Red Sea Security (Great Decisions Lecture)

Join us at Great Decisions 2020 at noon on February 28 at Fellowship Hall of William Street United Methodist Church, 28 W. William St., Delaware. The speaker will be Michael Blake, Swan-Collins-Allen Professor of Religion, Ohio Wesleyan University, discussing about the “Red…

Mock Convention – Lost & Found

There were a few items left behind in Gray Chapel Saturday afternoon: pair of glasses, an insulated tumbler, and one half of a pair of wireless earphones. Please contact Mrs. Emmons in Elliot 211 or call ext. 3906 to claim.…

Watch a Great Movie Tonight!

The Media Center in Beeghly Library has an impressive DVD collection of festival winners, cult favorites, and Hollywood classics available for free seven-day checkout. Recent additions include Parasite, Joker, Once Upon A Time in Hollywood, and Harriet. Stop in and…

Golden Bishop Awards Nominations Open – Deadline is March 6

The Golden Bishop Awards have been held since 1987 and exist to recognize Ohio Wesleyan students, advisors, and organizations for outstanding achievements in leadership and community service. We are excited to share this year’s awards ceremony will also include Greek…

Don’t Wait to Buy Your Books!

Don’t wait until the last minute to buy your books! The Campus Store will return many books for full-semester courses to publishers and wholesalers over Spring Break. This does not apply to second-module courses. Books are returned or sold off…

Today @7 – “What Happens If It Happens?”

OWU Counseling Services and Public Safety would like to invite you to a panel event – “What Happens If It Happens?” This event will have free pizza to enjoy at the event. We will also have free stress balls and…

Feb. 26 – Fighting Words!

From 2:30-5 in the Faculty-Staff Dining room (by the elevator in HWCC) come watch videos and learn about how language has been leveraged across the world to enact peaceful change. Examples from Argentina, Afghanistan, Serbia, and more! OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office:…

Feb. 27 – Science Lecture Series: Ram Lalgudi

This Thursday, the Science Lecture Series will host Ram Lalgudi, inventor and CTO of Airable Research Lab. The talk will be held Thursday, Feb. 27, at 4:10 pm, in Room 163 of the science center. Title: Soy-Based Consumer and Industrial…