Category Campuswide News & Events

March 5 @ 11 a.m. – Health and Wellness Fair

Come to the Annual Health and Wellness Fair hosted by the Student Health Center! The Health and Wellness Fair works to connect OWU students to multiple health agencies. 15 organizations will be present that can offer information on mental health,…

Faculty Teaching and Scholarly Achievement Awards

The Faculty Personnel Committee is seeking suggestions for recipients of the University’s teaching and scholarly or artistic achievement awards listed below: Shankland Teaching Award Welch Teaching Award Welch Scholarship Award Please submit suggestions to the Provost’s Office at no later than…

Golden Bishop Awards Nominations Open – Deadline is March 6

The Golden Bishop Awards have been held since 1987 and exists to recognize Ohio Wesleyan students, advisors, and organizations for outstanding achievements in leadership and community service. We are excited to share year the awards ceremony will also include Greek…

March 4 & 5 – New Smith Hall Furniture Showcase

Residence Life will be holding a furniture showcase to show furniture for the new Smith Hall! 3 companies will be showcasing. Please come and give us your opinion. March 4: 10am – 2pm March 5: 10am – 2pm Location: Hamilton-Williams…

Spring Break Hours for the OWU Libraries

Spring break hours for the OWU Libraries can be viewed on the libraries’ website at Please note during Spring Break, for the hours Beeghly is officially closed, the Bashford Lounge will remain open to students by ID card swipe.…

March 6 – Round 3 Theory-to-Practice Grant Deadline

The deadline for Round 3 of Theory-to-Practice grant applications is Friday, March 6th at midnight. You can find a link to the application and guidelines for submission on the TPG website – For assistance, please stop by the Merrick…

Learn Jiujitsu, Karate/TKD, Kickboxing and Self-Defense

Okinawa Karate/TKD PE301 is one of the greatest self-defense systems ever created. Activity courses are offered through OWU for beginners to advanced students. You will learn the complete system created by the oldest living people on earth, taught in a…

March 17 – The OH Primary Election

Early voting shuttle service: -Early voting for the OH Primary Elections is underway. Do you need a ride to early voting at the Delaware County Board of Elections on Rt. 23? There will be shuttle service from 8:30-10:30 AM on…