Category Campuswide News & Events

EARTH WEEK CHALLENGE: How Will You #FlattenTheCurve?

It’s Day 2 of Earth Week! Today, go to  to find out how many Earths it would take to support your lifestyle for everyone, and also how we can work together to flatten the curve of CO2 emissions! *Note*: This activity…

Absentee Voting Extended to April 28!

Here is information about the conclusion of Ohio’s primary election, which originally was to be held on March 17. We want to make sure Ohio voters who have not yet cast a ballot are able to do so! (View this…

Participate in Career Connection’s End-of-Year Focus Group!

Please join the Director of Career Development, Leigh Mascolino, for a virtual focus group on Career Connection. This is your opportunity to share insights and contribute to the work we do for OWU students! This event will take place on…

Eyestrain – Health tips

Eyestrain used to be something students dealt with only when cramming for exams or writing papers. Currently, screens are not only used to complete classes and assignments but also in how we connect with our friends through facetime, entertain ourselves with…

Nominate a Deserving Individual for a You Are OWU Award

The You Are OWU Award recognizes students, staff, and faculty for their successes and accomplishments that benefit the OWU community and for being exemplary leaders for others. Click here to nominate today:  The selection committee prefers to recognize specific events/moments…

Participate in Career Connection’s End-of-Year Focus Group!

Please join the Director of Career Development, Leigh Mascolino, for a virtual focus group on Career Connection. This is your opportunity to share insights and contribute to the work we do for OWU students! This event will take place on…

All Next Week! Join ENVS to Celebrate Earth Day!

Happy Earth Month! With the 50th anniversary of Earth Day just under a week away, we are happy to say that the celebration goes on, from our own homes! The environment and sustainability website has a full schedule of Earth…