Category Campuswide News & Events

Pause For Mental Health: Changes in Identity During COVID-19

We all have many roles that we play throughout our day: employee, athlete, student, teacher, parent, sibling, friend, or partner. With self-isolation and stay-at-home orders, these roles have shifted. Some parts of our identity may be used more than they…

Congratulations to the April You are OWU Recipients!

Congratulations to our April 2020 award recipients, and thank you for your commitment to the OWU community – we appreciate you! If you would like to send a recipient(s) a congratulatory message, feel free to email them directly or click…

Movement Mondays – Yoga at 4 p.m.

Yoga for Your Mental Health is now being hosted virtually on Zoom! Yoga has been shown to positively benefit mental health concerns, including stress, depression, anxiety, and trauma. Come destress, and we encourage you to have a blanket or towel…

The OWL is Online! 🦉

Hello all, this year we have moved “The OWL” online (or rather, to a PDF). English majors and minors will find the PDF in their inbox, but we wanted the edition to be available for all non-majors as well. Which…

The OWU Historical Collection Wants Your Coronavirus Story

The Coronavirus outbreak has affected nearly every aspect of our daily lives. Global response to the ongoing crisis is transforming the norms by which our nations, regions, and institutions operate. Amidst all of the monumental events taking place, we believe…