Category Campuswide News & Events

The OWU Historical Collection Wants Your Coronavirus Story

The Coronavirus outbreak has affected nearly every aspect of our daily lives. Global response to the ongoing crisis is transforming the norms by which our nations, regions, and institutions operate. Amidst all of the monumental events taking place, we believe…

TODAY – Bishop Spirit Day! Wear Your OWU Gear!

Show your support for the Class of 2020 by wearing your OWU gear today!  Take a picture in your OWU gear, tag @OhioWesleyan with #BishopStrong We want to send the seniors out feeling the love and support of the OWU…

The Woltemade Center Senior Awards

The Economics and Business Department along with The Woltemade Center for Economics, Business and Entrepreneurship hosted a virtual celebration for Senior Award Winners. The following students were recognized: Accounting Fellows: Kiersten Bender Nicholas Braydich Ahmed Hamed Antonio Romanelli Brandon Solomon (SU20)…

Economics and Business Senior Awards and Honor Society Inductees

The Economics and Business Department hosted a virtual celebration for Senior Award Winners, Sigma Beta Delta, and Omicron Delta Epsilon inductees. The following students were awarded: Outstanding Majors Sophia Ahmed Julia Caple Duncan Copelan Jack Dugan Meghann Dunning Aunders Erickson…

Senior Award Winners in ZOOLOGY – Congratulations!

The Department of Zoology is proud to announce that the following graduating seniors have won awards in our department: Edward Grant Conklin Award, for excellence in independent research in Zoology: ABBI TURNER. Ralph Alvin Bowdle Award, for exceptional contributions to…

Art History Capstone Presentations

Support the Class of 2020 Art History Majors by watching their capstone presentations on Facebook!! Link below! OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Art History Seniors. Contact: Charlotte Gross at

May 7 @ 11 a.m. – Watch ART 492’s Exhibit Opening on Zoom!

Students in the ART 492 class have created an online “Past to Present: OWU’s Evolution” art exhibition that showcases how Ohio Wesleyan’s academics, student life, places, and extracurricular activities have, or haven’t, changed over time. The “Past to Present” exhibit…

The Woltemade Center Senior Awards

The Economics and Business Department along with The Woltemade Center for Economics, Business and Entrepreneurship hosted a virtual celebration for Senior Award Winners. The following students were recognized: Accounting Fellows: Kiersten Bender Nicholas Braydich Ahmed Hamed Antonio Romanelli Brandon Solomon (SU20)…