Category Campuswide News & Events

TODAY @ 4:15 p.m. – Lydia Conklin Reading

The English Department welcomes Lydia Conklin TODAY from 4:15-5:15 p.m. in the Milligan Room of Slocum Hall. Conklin is the author of Rainbow, Rainbow, a short story collection that celebrates the humor and depth of the queer and trans experience…

April 27 @ 1 p.m. – Columbus Earth Day Festival Trip!

With Green Week approaching, the ENVS Green Week team will be sending out interest forms for fun and green-themed events! We are planning to take students to the Columbus Earth Day Festival on Saturday, April 27, from 1-6 p.m. (negotiable between…

March 27 @ Noon – Celebrate Women and Their Contributions!

The Women’s Empowerment Celebration will be hosted during the noon hour on March 27 and will hold an Award Ceremony giving women on campus the chance to celebrate their accomplishments! Do you know a woman excelling in academics, leadership, advocacy,…

March 27 @ 4:15 p.m. – Lydia Conklin Reading

The English Department will welcome Lydia Conklin on Wednesday, March 27, from 4:15-5:15 p.m. in the Milligan Room of Slocum Hall. Conklin is the author of Rainbow, Rainbow, a short story collection that celebrates the humor and depth of the…