French Movie Showing!
French Club is showing Peau D’âne on Nov. 19 at 7 pm in University 213. Here is a description of Peau D’âne: In a magical, faraway land, a widower king (Jean Marais) decrees that he will wed his daughter, the…
French Club is showing Peau D’âne on Nov. 19 at 7 pm in University 213. Here is a description of Peau D’âne: In a magical, faraway land, a widower king (Jean Marais) decrees that he will wed his daughter, the…
Send kind messages to your fellow Bishops with Circle K! Submit compliments, words of encouragement, and other kind messages here: . We will send your message to the recipient of your choice. You can fill out more than one…
The Great Decisions Series, featuring discussions of U.S. foreign policy, continues virtually this fall on Friday. It is not necessary to sign up in advance. You only need to use the link to the Zoom Waiting Room and check-in before…
The academic calendar for Spring 2021 has been added to the shared Google Calendar. For instructions on adding the calendar, please see this page: OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Academic Support Contact: Brian Rellinger at
Join us for the last film of the Hispanic Film Festival to take place today and tomorrow! MIRIAM LIES (Dominican Republic, 2018) As her 15th birthday approaches, Miriam doesn’t know how to explain to her family that the boyfriend she…
Ohio Wesleyan CCL wants to show that OWU is full of #climatevoters! Post a photo on Instagram of -your “I voted” sticker -your sealed absentee ballot -the line at the polls -you, calling your rep to talk about HR 763…
Do you have what it takes to predict the 2020 presidential election results? Or just want a chance to win a gift card? Enter in the OWU 2020 Electoral College prediction competition! Use to create your map prediction and email a…
Today, Friday, Oct. 23, is the last day to withdraw from full-semester courses. Please go to and click Forms on the right side of the page. Schedule Change Request will be the 2nd option. Please feel free to contact the Registrar’s…
The OWU Marching Bishops in collaboration with The Black Student Union and other organizations on campus are hosting The first ever OWU CREATE-A-THON! It is a pledge-based fundraiser that will support the efforts of the King Arts Complex, a Black…
The deadline for Round One of Theory-to-Practice grant applications is Friday, Nov. 20 at midnight. You can find a link to the application and guidelines for submission on the TPG website – For assistance, please stop by the Merrick Mentor…