Category Campuswide News & Events

TODAY @ 4:30pm – Post-Election Roundtable!

Please join us THIS AFTERNOON, Wednesday, Nov. 11,  (4:30 pm) for a post-election roundtable via zoom. Members of the Politics and Government Department will discuss what happened in last week’s elections and how the results will shape the future of…

Nov. 11-12 – Holiday Ornament Decorating

You’re invited to decorate ornaments to hang on the Hudler Tree this week. We’re hoping to fill the tree with hopeful messages for 2021 and to incorporate them into OWU’s 2020 holiday video. Tables will be set up from 10…

Clothing Drive for “Out of the Closet”

Clean out your closet for Out of the Closet! Prism is sponsoring a clothing drive for Out of the Closet, a thrift store in downtown Columbus. 96 cents of every dollar spent at Out of the Closet goes directly to…

Nov. 20 – Theory-to-Practice Grant Round 1 Deadline

A quick reminder that the Round One TPG Deadline for Fall 2020 is Nov. 20, 2020. To find more information and a link to the application, visit If you have questions regarding your grant submission feel free to email a…

Roll Call of Fallen OWU Veterans

Ohio Wesleyan is participating in the 2020 National Roll Call on Veteran’s Day, Wednesday, Nov. 11. The National Roll Call is a nationwide event where officials at other participating colleges and universities read aloud the names of veterans simultaneously. At…

Taste of Home: Free Food this Saturday!

Join Horizons International Club as we host a Taste of Home on Nov. 14 from 4:30-7 pm. We will have a variety of cuisines such as South Asian, Mexican, Afro-Caribbean, East Asian, and many more! Make sure you join us…

Nov. 10-12 – Holiday Ornament Decorating

You’re invited to decorate ornaments to hang on the Hudler Tree this week. We’re hoping to fill the tree with hopeful messages for 2021 and to incorporate them into OWU’s 2020 holiday video. Tables will be set up from 10…

Zoom Sessions with Theatre Professionals

OWU Students and Recent Alums! Starting next week the Department of Theatre & Dance will be starting a series of Zoom speakers with students! Wed, Nov 11, 5pm Eastern – Cassie Greer, Artistic Director, Bag&Baggage Productions, Hillsboro, Oregon Saturday, Nov…

Bishops in the City… Cleveland Episode

Bishops in the City…Cleveland Episode Tuesday, Nov. 10, 2020 7:30 pm (EST) via Zoom Join us on Nov. 10th to hear from a panel of alumni about what it is like to live and work in the greater Cleveland, OH…

Women in Science Annual Calendar Sale!

The Women in Science club is having its annual Scanning Electron Microscope Image Calendar Sale. If you are looking for an inexpensive cool holiday gift that can be used all year round, look no further! The Women in Science Club…