Category Campuswide News & Events

Electronic Copy of W2 Form Available in ADP Portal

If you were employed by Ohio Wesleyan University during the 2020 calendar year, your w2 tax form is now available electronically through the ADP Portal. You can access the ADP Portal two ways: Once you have logged into the portal,…

Winter Break Elevator Inspections

State-required systems testing continues next week. Testing times will be from 7 a.m. till 4 p.m. Please share this information with all who may be affected. Elevator Inspections: These will happen from Jan. 19-Jan. 22 and take approximately one hour each…

Help Oppose Wildlife Reductions

The USDA is currently reviewing comments from the public about whether it should authorize the killing of double-crested cormorants across Ohio, as well as destroying their nests. Apparently, the agency has gotten complaints about the birds, mostly from fisherman and…

Jan. 18 – MLK Panel to Discuss The Way Forward

The Delaware County Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration Committee and Ohio Wesleyan University invite you to learn how to better promote diversity, equity, and inclusion within your area of influence during a virtual panel discussion debuting at 8:30 a.m. EST…

Help Oppose Wildlife Reductions

The USDA is currently reviewing comments from the public about whether it should authorize the killing of double-crested cormorants across Ohio, as well as destroying their nests. Apparently, the agency has gotten complaints about the birds, mostly from fisherman and…

Jan. 18 – MLK Panel to Discuss The Way Forward

The Delaware County Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration Committee and Ohio Wesleyan University invite you to learn how to better promote diversity, equity, and inclusion within your area of influence during a virtual panel discussion debuting at 8:30 a.m. EST…

Winter Break Sprinkler and Elevator Inspections

State-required systems testing continues next week. Testing times will be from 7 a.m. till 4 p.m. See below for buildings affected. The alarm visuals and strobe horns/bells will be activated as noted. Please share this information with all who may…

Internet dating Messages and Ghosting Manners

If you are a senior citizen online dating person, then you has to be thinking how to handle your newly acquired senior citizen online dating knowledge, I have some recommendations for you. What do you anticipate from your older online…