Category Campuswide News & Events

Mindful Moments for Sexual Assault Awareness Month

Mindful Moments: stop by the Student Information Desk on the first floor of HWCC to pick up a “mindful moment” packet. These different packets will offer you tips and trips for grounding yourself during stressful or traumatic times. Each week…

Wednesday @ Noon – Mindful Moment Drop-In Group

MINDFUL Moment is a free, drop-in, no-registration-necessary, group offering various mindfulness/meditation exercises to bring awareness and balance to body and mind. This is a virtual space that will meet for one hour each week on Wednesdays at noon. Please bring…

Memorial for Dr. Sean Kay – April 8 at 7 pm

The Chaplain’s Office invites you to a showing of a memorial video for Dr. Sean Kay. While we still can’t gather in person in the ways that we normally would, we hope that this video, compiled and edited by Anna…

You are OWU March 2021 Recipients

The You Are OWU Award recognizes students, staff and faculty for their leadership, success and accomplishments benefiting the OWU community each month. The recipients will be recognized at the Golden Bishop Awards on May 12. March 2021 Recipients Allie Hausfeld,…

April 11-22: 12 Days of 12th Night

Hello everyone! My name is Vero and I am the community outreach head for the play “Twelfth Night 2020”. I wanted to let everyone know that the theatre department will be hosting a twelve-day-long event, bringing awareness to the themes…

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month

The Bishop Way has teamed up with a great group of collaborators to plan a full month of education about sexual assault awareness! Check out the for a full list of events! OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: The Bishop Way. Contact: Jess Irvine at