Category Campuswide News & Events

Student Recital (pre-recorded) to premiere May 9 @ 3 p.m.

The Department of Music student pre-recorded recital featuring Luke Belinski, alto sax; Hunter Coon, voice; Madison Deckop, voice; Rachel Foster, double bass; Hayden Houpt, tuba; Logan Page, trumpet; and Abby Stepp, trumpet can be viewed on Sunday, May 9 at…

Culture Café! Thursday 7-8:30 pm

Join HOLD for our annual tradition of Culture Café! This open mic night will be held in the Amphitheatre on May 6 from 7-8:30pm. Bring your best music, poems, and storytelling, or just your attention! OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: House of…

Today @ 4:30 – OWL Launch Party

May 4, 2021 – 4:30pm – Readings from this year’s edition of the OWL magazine! Help us create a group poem to be featured on our Instagram page! BYOS (Bring your own snacks) This party will be held online through…

OWU Game Day Registration – Week of May 3

OWU Athletics is excited to extend the opportunity to welcome a limited number of spectators to our sporting events, including our most passionate support from you – OWU students, faculty, and staff!  This is a great opportunity to begin re-creating…

Today @ 6 pm – WCSA Meet The Candidates Zoom Event

You must register in advance for this meeting by clicking on the following link: After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. The meeting will be recorded and posted to the WCSA election…

WOW Speaker Series: No More Hiding May 18, 7:30-8:30

The WOW (Women of Ohio Wesleyan) is an event to bring together OWU women of all ages. This event discusses the Importance of Putting Yourself Out There, Relationship Building, and Bounding Past Your Fear of Networking. This session will be…