Category Campuswide News & Events

Institutionally Sponsored International Travel

Beginning 1 July, OWU’s policy for international travel will change. Please see  for more information. OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: OWU Connection / IOCP. Contact: Darrell Albon at

July 2 – Join Main Street Delaware for First Friday!

Main Street Delaware is celebrating Independence Day with a First Friday “Chalk It Up for Freedom!” sidewalk chalk art party that includes live music and a classic car show. During the July 2 event, everyone is invited to decorate the…

Institutionally Sponsored International Travel

Beginning 1 July, OWU’s policy for international travel will change. Please see  for more information. OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: OWU Connection / IOCP. Contact: Darrell Albon at

July 2 – Join Main Street Delaware for First Friday!

Main Street Delaware is celebrating Independence Day with a First Friday “Chalk It Up for Freedom!” sidewalk chalk art party that includes live music and a classic car show. During the July 2 event, everyone is invited to decorate the…

Daily Symptom Tracker – Check Ins No Longer Necessary

Faculty, staff, and students no longer need to report daily symptoms using the Campus Clear app. The reminders have been disabled at this time. OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Information Services. Contact: Brian Rellinger at

Institutionally Sponsored International Travel

Beginning 1 July, OWU’s policy for international travel will change. Please see  for more information. OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: OWU Connection / IOCP. Contact: Darrell Albon at

Daily Symptom Tracker – Check Ins No Longer Necessary

Faculty, staff, and students no longer need to report daily symptoms using the Campus Clear app. The reminders have been disabled at this time. OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Information Services. Contact: Brian Rellinger at

OWU Daily Summer Publication Schedule

The OWU Daily is now publishing weekly each Monday through Aug. 16, when daily publication resumes. Please submit all postings before noon on the Thursday prior to your desired Monday publication date. Thank you and have a great summer! –The OWU Daily editors

Athletics & Fitness Facilities Summer Hours

Effective June 1 – August 6 Athletics & Fitness Facilities Summer Open Hours Simpson-Querrey Fitness Center Monday – Thursday: 11:00a – 1:00p & 4:00p – 6:00p Friday: 11:00a – 1:00p Saturday/Sunday – CLOSED Edwards Gym/Gordon Field House Monday – Thursday:…