Category Campuswide News & Events

Sept. 27 @ 12pm – Sustainability Task Force Meeting

The first Sustainability Task Force Meeting is Monday, September 27th over the noon hour in Merrick 201. We’ll be talking about current and upcoming events and sustainable activities on and off-campus as well as hearing from the Custodial Services Director…

Sept. 24 @ 12pm – Biology Board Ice Cream Social!

Come join Biology Board in kicking off yet another great year with an Ice Cream Social on Friday the 24th 12-1! Meet all of the board members, hang out with fellow majors, get to know your professor AND their pets,…

Duplicating will be closed the following dates

Friday, September 24 duplicating will close at noon. Friday, October 1st, 15th, and 29th duplicating will be closed all day. Staff and Faculty mailroom will remain open during these days. OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Ohio Wesleyan University Contact: Jill Kerins at…

Sept. 27 @ Noon – Summer Science Research Symposium

Join 53 OWU students who will discuss their research from noon – 1 pm on Sept. 27, 2021 at the Patricia Belt Conrades Summer Science Research Symposium. Students who did scientific research over the summer will present posters and be…

Sept. 30 @ 7:30pm – Glow Big or Glow Home with CPB!

Bishops, kick off homecoming weekend with Glow Big or Glow Home, a bonfire complete with food, sweets, games, giveaways, and more, on Sept. 30th 7:30 PM – 9:30 PM on Frat Hill (Williams Drive). Don’t miss the OWU Marching Drumline…

Duplicating will be Closed the Following Fridays

On September 24, duplicating will close at noon. On October 1, 15, and 29, duplicating will be closed all day. The Staff and Faculty mailroom will remain open during these days. OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Ohio Wesleyan University Contact: Jill Kerins at…

Sept. 24 @ 12pm – Biology Board Ice Cream Social!

Come join Biology Board in kicking off yet another great year with an Ice Cream Social on Friday the 24th 12-1! Meet all of the board members, hang out with fellow majors, get to know your professor AND their pets,…