Category Campuswide News & Events

Acting Intensive in New York City

The New York Arts Program is hosting an informational meeting Wednesday, October 20th at 5 pm EST to discuss its brand new Acting Intensive launching next semester. Students accepted into the Acting Intensive will train with Arthur Makaryan over the…

Duplicating Closed Oct. 21

Duplicating will be closed Oct. 21, but the staff/faculty mailroom will remain open until 4 p.m. OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Duplicating. Contact: Jill Kerins at

First-Generation Denmark TPG and OWU Connection presentation

Join First-Gen students and alum as they present their experiences studying social mobility in Denmark through a Theory-to-Practice grant while learning more about the OWU Connection. The presentation will be given on zoom, join here: OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: SOAN…

Oct. 27 @ 6pm – Let’s Talk About: Race & Ethnicity

The second dinner in the Let’s Talk About Social Justice dinner series is coming up! Let’s Talk About: Race & Ethnicity will be held Oct. 27, 2021, from 6-8 p.m. Registration is open at Race & Ethnicity:  This link can…

Nov. 6 @ 7pm – A Cappellooza With CPB!

A Cappellooza is back this year in Sanborn Hall’s Jemison Auditorium. The concert will feature upbeat songs performed by student a cappella groups from different colleges. The event also will feature Six Appeal, a six-member vocal group from Minneapolis. Learn…

Oct. 19-22 – NCAA Diversity and Inclusion Week

October 19-22nd is the annual NCAA Diversity and Inclusion Week social media campaign. OWU Athletics and the Committee on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Anti-Racism will be sponsoring “Championing Change” and “Belonging is…” in coordination with the national campaign. Stop by…

First-Generation Denmark TPG and OWU Connection presentation

Join First-Gen students and alum as they present their experiences studying social mobility in Denmark through a Theory-to-Practice grant while learning more about the OWU Connection. The presentation will be given on zoom, join here: OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: SOAN…

Oct.19 – 7pm-9pm @ the Strand Theatre, screening of Midnight Family

Join us for our second film of the Hispanic Film Festival Poetics of Empowerment. We will be showing MIDNIGHT FAMILY (Mexico, 2019). In Mexico City’s wealthiest neighborhoods, the Ochoa family runs a private ambulance, competing with other for-profit EMTs seeking…