Category Campuswide News & Events

Hispanic Film Festival Continues!

Join us this evening for the screening of the Brazilian movie Que horas Ella Volta (The Second Mother), directed by Anna Muylaert. There will be a Q&A after the film. After leaving her daughter Jessica in a small town in…

Come to the Breast Cancer Awareness Fundraiser in Ham-Wil!

From 11 am to 2 pm on Oct. 26 and 27, Circle K is having a Breast Cancer Awareness Fundraiser inside the atrium of Ham-Wil and outside on the JAY (weather permitting). Come buy ribbons, bracelets, necklaces, and keychains in…

Nov. 6 @ 7pm – A Cappellooza With CPB!

A Cappellooza is back this year in Sanborn Hall’s Jemison Auditorium. The concert will feature upbeat songs performed by student a cappella groups from different colleges. The event also will feature Six Appeal, a six-member vocal group from Minneapolis. Lean more…

Oct. 28 @ 5:45pm – Speed Mock Interview Event

Hoping to land an internship, summer job, or full-time position but nervous about interviewing? Then this Speed Mock Interview Event is for you! Practice your interview skills and gain exposure to a variety of employers and alumni. There will be…

Come to the Breast Cancer Awareness Fundraiser in Ham-Wil!

From 11 am to 2 pm on Oct. 25, 26, and 27, Circle K is having a Breast Cancer Awareness Fundraiser inside the atrium of Ham-Wil and outside on the JAY(weather permitting). Come buy ribbons, bracelets, necklaces, and keychains in…

Brianna La Croix – Alumni Partner of the Week

Class of 2018, Brianna La Croix works as the Assistant Production Coordinator and Social Media Marketing Coordinator for ABC Studio’s Blackish. She has worked with the show since season 4 and has many responsibilities related to keeping the show up…

Today @ Noon – Sustainability Task Force Meeting

Our next Sustainability Task Force Meeting is Monday, October 25th over the noon hour in Merrick 201! This time, we’ll be hearing from Gram Dick about his research over the summer with Dr. Rowley for the Summer Science Research Program;…

WinS Annual Poinsettia Sale!

The Women in Science Club is having its annual poinsettia and holiday plants fundraiser! There are a variety of plants available ranging from $10-$20. Please consider purchasing to help support our club! Payment is required upon purchase and can be…

Oct. 27 @ 6:45pm – Get LinkedIn and Promote Your Brand!

Better showcase your professional brand on LinkedIn by attending this virtual workshop! LinkedIn is THE PREMIER professional networking site used by recruiters, job, and internship seekers to get and stay connected professionally. The goal of this workshop is to help…