Category Campuswide News & Events

OWU Trivia Night!

Open to faculty, staff, students, student organizations, and athletic teams! Register at Gather a team of four to eight players for a friendly game of trivia against your fellow OWU Bishops. Teams can include OWU alumni, students, faculty, staff,…

Nov. 4 @ 4:10pm – The Cool Side of Lizard Diversity in Caribbean Anoles

Join us for a seminar to learn about the cool side of lizard diversity in Caribbean anoles presented by Brooke Bodensteiner, PhD Candidate, Yale University. Snacks provided. OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Biological Science Department Contact: JUDY ARLINGTON at

Nov. 9 @ 4:10pm – Meet The Creative Writing Faculty & Reading

Please join Professor Amy Butcher and Professor David Caplan for a joint reading and Meet The Creative Writing Faculty at Ohio Wesleyan event on Tuesday, November 9th from 4:10-5:10pm in the Bayley Room of Beeghly Library. Both authors will share…

Food Drive Hosted by Circle K in Ham-Wil!

Please donate non-perishable foods and canned goods to the box in Ham-Wil! All items will be given to the Delaware People in Need Food Pantry. The food drive will run from November 1st to the 16th. OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Circle…

Nov. 10 @ 6pm – Let’s Talk About: Gender & Sexuality

The last Dinner in the Let’s Talk About Social Justice dinner series is coming up! Let’s Talk About: Gender & Sexuality will be on Nov. 10, 2021 from 6-8 PM. Registration is open at: Gender & Sexuality: This link…

WinS Annual Poinsettia Sale!

The Women in Science Club is having its annual poinsettia and holiday plants fundraiser! There are a variety of plants available ranging from $10-$20. Please consider purchasing to help support our club! Payment is required upon purchase and can be…

TODAY @ 6:45pm – Grad School Panel

Considering Graduate/Professional School? Wondering what kind of program to choose or how to develop a top-notch application? Curious about what Admissions Representatives seek in applicants? Then this virtual event is for you! This panel of Admissions Counselors from across the…