Category Campuswide News & Events

Meet the Creative Writing Faculty & Reading – TODAY @ 4:10

Please join Professor Amy Butcher and Professor David Caplan for a joint reading and Meet the Creative Writing Faculty at Ohio Wesleyan event on Tuesday, Nov. 9, from 4:10-5:10 pm in the Bayley Room of Beeghly Library. Both authors will…

Food Drive Hosted by Circle K in Ham-Wil!

Please donate non-perishable foods and canned goods to the box in Ham-Wil! (When you walk into the doors by SIO, the box is to the left between the line of tables.) All items will be given to the Delaware People…

Today @ Noon – Politics and Government Social

Fall PG Social will be held outside of Elliott since the weather will cooperate, a minor miracle in Ohio in November! Look for the big easel/sign out front. We will have some tasty food, bottled water, and amazing conversation with…

Nov. 13 @ 5:30pm – Diwali, Festival of lights

Join Horizons in the Faculty/Staff dining room in HWCC this Saturday, Nov. 13, from 5:30 to 7:30 pm, in celebrating Diwali, the festival of lights! Partake in fun activities like Diya painting, sparkler fun with free traditional Indian food! Get…

Last Film of the Hispanic Film Festival Today!

Join us for the last screening of the Hispanic Film Festival Poetics of Empowerment. La innoc[encia [The Innocence] Lis is a teenager whose dream is to become a circus artist and leave her hometown, even if she knows that to…

Orchesis Dance Company returns to the stage Nov. 12 & 13

Orchesis Dance Company will present “Orchesis 21/22” with 12 dancers performing seven pieces created by students, faculty, and a guest choreographer. Artistic director Rashana Perks Smith collaborated with dancers to create “Holding Pattern,” addressing what we hold onto and what…

Take the 2021 State of OWU Survey!

Attention Students, Staff, Faculty, Alumni, and Friends of OWU: Students in PG’s Public Opinion course are interested in your political attitudes on key issues. We want to know your opinions on music, TV shows, climate change, and much more! Public…

OWU Chamber Orchestra Fall 2021 Concert – Nov. 9 @ 8pm

The OWU Chamber Orchestra’s fall program, Rêverie, features beautiful music that can elicit a dreamy or musing state. Works are by Erik Satie, Edvard Grieg, Samuel Coleridge-Taylor, Claude Debussy, and César Franck. Admission is free and masks are required. Tuesday,…

Nov. 10 @ 6pm – Let’s Talk About: Gender & Sexuality

The last Dinner in the Let’s Talk About Social Justice dinner series is coming up! Let’s Talk About: Gender & Sexuality will be on Nov. 10, 2021 from 6-8 PM. Registration is open at: Gender & Sexuality: This link…

W2 Tax Form – Go paperless – Save Resources

Student Employees, Faculty & Staff: Go paperless and receive your IRS W-2 form electronically through the ADP Portal. January will be here soon! Make plans to receive your W-2 form electronically. It’s safer and faster! Please follow the steps below…