Category Campuswide News & Events

Sept. 20 – Butler A. Jones Lecture Returns to Campus!

The 28th Butler A. Jones Lecture on Race and Society proudly welcomes Nina Turner, groundbreaking Ohio politician and former co-chair of Sen. Bernie Sanders’ 2020 presidential campaign. She will present her talk titled, “The Hook-Up: How Race and Class are Soulmates for Life.”…

Want to Apply for a Fall TPG? Attend an Info Session!

Thinking Big about Going Global to Do Good and Get Real? Why not apply for a Theory-to-Practice Grant (TPG)? Info session(s) this Friday, Sept. 9, at noon in Merrick 106 & next Tuesday, Sept. 13, at 4 p.m. The deadline…

How Do I Submit Information to the OWU Daily?

To share information, please use the “Post to OWU Daily” link found at the top of each day’s email or at  You will need to log into your OWU account to access the form. Once logged in, you’ll find “Submission Guidelines” to…

Printing Services Closed Today

Printing Services will be closed for Labor Day. Sorry for any inconvenience. OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Printing Services Contact: Marilyn Stephens at

Today @ 4 p.m. – Opening Reception for Ross Art Museum

Don’t miss the Opening Reception for 2 new exhibits at the Ross Art Museum TODAY, featuring work by Fine Arts faculty and emeritus faculty member Justin Kronewetter. 4-6 p.m. with refreshments and live jazz! See you there! Location: Richard M.…

Aug. 31 @ 4:10 p.m. – Retirement Celebration for Kandi Akers

Please join the departments of Education, Journalism & Communication, Philosophy & Religion, and Psychology to celebrate the retirement of our wonderful academic assistant, Kandi Akers.  We will honor Kandi Wednesday, August 31 at 4:10 PM on the Phillips Hall patio.…

Sept. 1 @ 4 p.m. – Opening Reception for Ross Art Museum

Join us for a reception at the Ross Art Museum, Thursday afternoon, Sept. 1. Two new exhibits, one featuring the Fine Arts Faculty including Kristina Bogdanov, Frank Hobbs, Jeff Nilan, and Karen Weeks, the other showcasing the work of emeritus…

How Do I Post Information in the OWU Daily?

To share your information in the OWU Daily, please use the “Post to OWU Daily” link found at the top of each day’s email or at You will need to log into your OWU account to access this submission…