Category Campuswide News & Events

Oct. 20 @ 7 p.m. – Lecture: “Russia’s War Against Ukraine”

Please join us Thursday, October 20  as the J.K. Eddy Lecture on World Politics returns to an in-person format, welcoming  Professor Yoshiko Herrera of the University of Wisconsin-Madison as she shares her thoughts regarding “Russia’s War Against Ukraine.”  In this timely talk Professor…

Culture Fest Date Changed to Oct. 22

Culture Fest is happening sooner this year! Make sure to jot down the new date, Oct. 22, 2022, and come to Benes Rooms from 5-8 pm to have a good time you’ll not forget. OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Horizons International Contact: Salim Dari…

Bishops, Now’s The Time to Register to Vote!

Voter Registration ends on October 11 here in Ohio.  If you’ve registered before, you may need to update your registration if you’ve moved dorms since the last election.  Not sure what to do? Stop by the OWU GOTV Table in Hamilton-Williams…

Today @ Noon – Black Wall Street

Join us TODAY for Black Wall Street at the HWCC Atrium! Local BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) businesses, as well as BIPOC student entrepreneurs, will be on campus to promote their industries – come learn, network, and shop from…

Oct. 6 @ 8:30 a.m. – The OWU Connection Conference!

The 2022 OWU Connection Conference is drawing nigh! Tomorrow (Oct. 6) normal classes WILL NOT MEET so you can join your classmates and members of the OWU faculty and staff to experience all the OWU Connection has to offer. Come see student-led…

New York Arts Program On Campus!

New York Arts Program’s Director of Student Life/Admissions Coordinator, Helena Enders, and Director of the NYAP Studio Residency, Skip Brea, will be on campus this week for the OWU Connections Conference. If you’re curious about spending a semester immersed in…

Today @ Noon – How Much Can You Learn in 3 Minutes?!

Don’t miss i³ at noon today, Oct. 3, in Gray Chapel! See fascinating mini-lectures from Laurie Anderson, Amy Butcher, Bob Harmon, Vanessa Hildebrand, Craig Jackson, Sarah Kaka, Brianna Mack, Antron Mahoney, Christopher Modica, and Julide Yazar. Don’t miss this once-a-year…