Category Campuswide News & Events

OWU Daily to Return Monday

The OWU Daily will not publish Friday, but will return bright and early on Monday, Oct. 17. Please remember that to share information in the OWU Daily, you will find a “Post to OWU Daily” link found at the top…

Be a Stormwater Hero, Adopt a Drain!

Be a stormwater hero, adopt a drain! OWU students, staff, faculty, and families are needed to soft launch a volunteer-based program in which any person can agree to do a biweekly clean up on and around a storm drain of…

Nov. 12 @ 7 p.m. – Free Local Reading By Native Writer Tommy Orange

The Creative Writing Program at Ohio Wesleyan is pleased to celebrate the arrival of prominent Native writer, Tommy Orange, as a visiting writer at the Delaware County Public Library Orange branch location on Saturday, November 12th from 7-9pm. Any student…

Oct. 16 – Round One Theory-to-Practice Grant (TPG) Deadline

The Round One/Fall deadline for TPG proposals is Sunday, Oct. 16. at 11:59 pm.  Visit for guidelines and instructions for submission. Here is the direct link to the application form. Questions? Please visit the IOCP office in Slocum Hall (3rd floor) and speak…

Fall Break Hours for the OWU Libraries

Fall break hours for the OWU Libraries can be viewed on the libraries’ website at   Please note for the hours that Beeghly is officially closed, the Bashford Lounge will remain open to students by ID card swipe. OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: University…

Happy Homecoming & Family Weekend!

Happy Homecoming & Family Weekend! Join for this once-a-year Bishop bash! Highlights include: Friday, Oct. 7 Slocum Hall Rededication, 4 p.m. – Historic Slocum Hall reopens following a 14-month, $11.25-million-donor-funded restoration. The new home of the OWU Connection, Slocum Hall…

Athletic Facility Hours – Fall Break

There will be limited hours during fall break for all athletic facilities including the Simpson Querrey Fitness Center and Morrill Weight Room. Click the link for the athletic facility hours! OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Athletics Contact: Colin Parker at

Admission Office/Slocum Parking

The Admission Office has moved back to Slocum Hall! Please remember there are designated parking spaces for Admission visitors. We ask all faculty, staff, and students to respect those spaces and park elsewhere. Thank you for your help as we…

Oct. 11 @ 8 p.m. – Symphonic Wind Ensemble Concert

The OWU Symphonic Wind Ensemble offers a free performance of beloved band works by Francis McBeth, Johannes Hanssen, Jack End, and Jaromír Weinberger on Tuesday, October 11 @ 8 p.m. in Gray Chapel. The concert features McBeth’s “Of Sailors and…