Call for Tech Success Stories

We can all agree that technology has changed how we teach and learn drastically. Things that seemed improbable a few years ago are now making the rounds in classrooms. Submitting work online, teaching summer classes, video-conferencing and tutoring without ever leaving the office are now commonplace.

At Information Services, we believe in reflecting on the changes that have happened and what kind of impact they’ve brought. That’s why, every semester, we put together Success Stories showcasing how technology influences the way students learn and professors teach. You can read past stories under the Twitter feed on our department website:

As the Fall Semester begins coming to a close, we ask that you think back to any time you felt that technology had a great impact on your learning. If an idea comes to you, contact the OWU Help Desk!

OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Information Services.
Contact: David Soliday at