April 7 @ 8:30 AM – Delaware Does Entrepreneurship!

Delaware Does Entrepreneurship better than anyone else! The April event will feature a solution to data analytics for small businesses, a food subscription box delivering the newest, most innovative brands and flavors across all categories, and a founder bringing a retro arcade to Delaware. Delaware Does Entrepreneurship offers entrepreneurs an opportunity to pitch their business ideas to a group of 50+ fellow entrepreneurs, potential investors, financial institutions, and business resource providers. This is about building the entrepreneurial culture and bringing you into the entrepreneurial ecosystem. Breakfast and coffee provided!

Start Time: 8:30 AM
End Time: 10:30 AM

Location: Delaware Entrepreneurial Center at OWU – 70 S. Sandusky Street

Ticket Cost: Free

RSVP Information: Register on Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/april-delaware-does-entrepreneurship-tickets-288571383777

OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Delaware Entrepreneurial Center at Ohio Wesleyan University.
Contact: Megan Ellis at mrellis@owu.edu