April 23 @ Noon – Virtual Event: Transforming Your Commitment to Social Justice into a Career

Join Rachel Vinciguerra ’14 on April 23, from noon to 1 pm EST, who will be sharing concrete reflective activities you can do as you chart your career path. She will also talk about potential fields that would allow you to pursue social justice in your work. RSVP on Handshake for the virtual link!

As a student at OWU, Rachel explored her relationship and ongoing commitment to social justice through interfaith service trips. Since graduation, Rachel has applied her commitment to social justice to her career. After OWU, she worked as a Volunteer Coordinator in Haiti, an Education Justice Fellow in Pittsburgh, a Gender Intern with the United Nations Development Programme, and currently as Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning Manager of Strong Women, Strong Girls (a non-profit organization).

OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Career Connection Office.
Contact: Career Connection at careers@owu.edu