Career Connection’s Bishop Launch Program (BLP) is designed to help you become a Confident, Competent, and Competitive internship and job seeker. Come to the info session on April 2 from noon to 12:30 p.m. in Slocum 201 and find out more about this semester-long program and how you can earn a $200 Professional Dress Award. There will be several additional info sessions over the summer prior to the start of the Fall ’25 semester.
“ BLP has been amazing and I think more OWU students should take advantage of it.”
“The workshops and events are helpful for students to prepare themselves for the professional workplace.”
Attendance at 1 information session is MANDATORY to be a BLP participant.
Questions: Contact Mindy Agin
OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Career Connection
Contact: Mindy Agin at