April 1 through 5 – OWAC RUMMAGE SALE

Join the Ohio Wesleyan Athletic Council (OWAC) and Active Minds OWU in participating in a friendly fundraising competition to raise money towards mental health advocacy and suicide prevention. Starting Fri., March 29, and continuing all of next week (April 1-5), OWAC will join other Student-Athlete Advisory Committees from rival NCAC conference institutions in a “Change War” against schools from the Presidents’ Athletic Conference to be crowned the winner.

We will be hosting a “Rummage Sale” of a limited number of items donated via the athletics department towards this initiative. Be sure to stop by this Friday, and next week, in Ham-Wil from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. to learn about on-campus resources for mental wellness, as well as see if you can find a hidden treasure to aid in our effort to help the NCAC win the war!

Through four years of this competition, the NCAC/PAC Change War has raised over $18,000 for four different foundations. All funds raised this year will be directed to the Active Minds, the nation’s premier nonprofit organization supporting mental health awareness and education for students.

OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Athletics.
Contact: Michael Taylor at mbtaylor@owu.edu.