Apply to Live in Tree House!

For anyone interested in living in an environmentally-minded community that does individual projects, group bonding, and community service surrounding sustainability, apply here! Applications are due by midnight on Sunday the 19th. Then please sign up for interview time slots for the week of the 20th to the 24th here. This is our house mission: Tree House strives to be an inclusive and comforting community whose members seek to live more sustainably and encourage others to do the same. We are environmental role models. We not only live sustainably in our day-to-day lives, but also in our house, in which we have adopted environmentally-conscious practices and routines. We are conscious of our individual waste and carbon footprint, and therefore strive to be more responsible consumers to hopefully influence global markets and corporations.  We instill this philosophy in students and Delaware residents alike, branching out into our local and greater community. We accomplish this by coordinating with WCSA, the Environmental Science and Studies Departments, Public Safety, Citizens’ Climate Lobby, Stratford Ecological Center, the Sustainability Task Force, Sustainable Delaware, and other organizations.  Through house projects and lifestyle choices, Tree House seeks to inform the public of timely environmental issues such as the current climate crisis and create positive sustainable changes within our campus and community.  As members of this generation, but especially as members of Tree House, it is our duty to inform and fight against the climate crisis and environmental racism, and fight for environmental justice, sustainable agriculture, and a carbon-negative future.

OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Tree House
Contact: SK Bulander at