Anxiety – Health Tip

College is a time of a lot of anxiety-provoking events, interviews, applications, papers, meetings, presentations. All of which can frazzle one’s nerves like no other. It is no wonder that the American Psychological Association found that 41.6% of college students are concerned with their anxiety. Anxiety is your body’s natural fear response, it normally coincides with shortness of breath and tightness in your chest. Definitely not an enjoyable experience. So when we become anxious to the max how can we try to calm ourselves?

One way to decrease anxiety is to trick your body into thinking it is calm. This can be accomplished quickly through Breathing exercises. There are multiple breathing exercises out there, I am choosing to showcase the one that is easiest to do during class or in public spaces. Here are the steps to completing it.

1.) Complete a thorough exhale pushing ALL of the air out of your lungs, then simply let your lungs do their work inhaling air.
2.) Next, spend a little bit longer exhaling than you do inhaling. Ex. inhale for 4 seconds, then exhale for 6.
3.) Continue breathing in this pattern for 2-5 minutes.

Overall, having anxiety every once in a while is normal. However, if it is becoming a regular occurrence and having an impact on your day to day life contact Counseling Services. They are there to help.

OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Student Health Center.
Contact: Lexi Lease at