All Week – Collecting Food, Needed Items for Hunger Alliance

Hey Bishops! This week is the food drive supporting the Hunger Alliance in Delaware. The collection bin can be found in Ham-Wil during lunch time and throughout the day. Even if you donate just one item, a family in need can be helped greatly. Needed Items Include:
–Protein bars
–Individually wrapped snacks
–Canned meats (tuna, chicken, beef stew)
–Mac n Cheese
–Pasta and sauce (no glass jars please)
–Low sodium, low sugar, gluten free items
–Paper towels
–Toilet Paper
–Feminine Products

Please check your pantries and hit the store to give back to the community in this season of giving. Your help is greatly appreciated!

OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: OWU Women’s Soccer.
Contact: Olivia Adkins at