Please Complete Anonymous Sexual Assault Prevention Campus Climate Survey

We are asking all students to take time to complete the HEDS Sexual Assault Prevention Campus Climate survey.

Your answers are anonymous and will help OWU to learn:

  • Additional education programs the campus community needs.
  • Points in our response processes or support resources that need improvement.
  • Things we are doing well and can continue to offer.

We know your time is valuable, so we are offering you the opportunity to enter a raffle after completing the survey to win a $50 Amazon gift card.

Below is a link to the survey. It will take about 15 to 20 minutes to complete. We recommend that you take this survey in one sitting; however, if you must exit the survey, your responses on previous pages should be saved when you return. Your responses to questions on the page that you were on when you left the survey may not be saved. Your responses will be anonymous. You may stop taking the survey at any time or choose not to answer particular questions.

We understand that it may be emotionally difficult to answer some of the questions on this survey. Should you wish to talk with someone further, you may access information about campus, local, and national resources for unwanted sexual contact, sexual assault, and relationship violence by clicking here. The information also will be available through the resources link at the bottom of each survey page, and it will be available after you submit your survey as well. For more information on how your response will be kept anonymous, you may refer to this information sheet.

If you have questions about this survey, you may contact Jess Ettell Irvine, Assistant Dean for Student Integrity and Community Standards, at and/or 740-368-3178, or Lisa Kidd, Research Analyst and Data Manager at the Higher Education Data Sharing Consortium, at