Deadline Tuesday, March 23: Enter the Spring Art Show 2021!

Spring Show 2021 is just around the corner!

Submit up to three 2D or 3D of your best art works for the Annual Juried Spring Show in Werner Gallery, Edgar Hall. Several cash prizes will be awarded.

Works on paper do not need to be framed or matted for the submission.

Digital files (photography, computer imaging and graphic design can be submitted directly to Professor Bogdanov, email:

SUBMISSIONS of ALL ART WORK DUE: Tuesday, March 23, 9 – 5pm and Wednesday, March 24, 9-noon.


2D works (drawing, painting, print, art book, jewelry metals) – Werner Gallery, Edgar Hall

3D works (sculpture, installation, ceramics) – Hallway Gallery, Haycock Hall

Please fill out a submission slip each entry and attach it with your artwork. The submission slips are available for pick up in front of Werner Gallery and in Haycock Hall. When sending digital files, email the information from the submission slip with your digital entry.

Not having a submission slip accompanying your entry could disqualify your work from the show.

OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Fine Arts
Contact: Kristina Bogdanov at