CAH Winter Clothing Drive! Nov. 16 – Nov. 23

Do you have old winter apparel lying around? Would you like to contribute any bought and unused articles of clothing for the upcoming winter months to this drive? If you answered yes to either of these questions then come one, come all to donate coats, hats, gloves/mittens, and scarves to the Creative Arts House Clothing Drive! Any store-bought items can be donated with the tags on but any used items will have to be washed first! All donations will go to the local Common Ground Free Store Ministries for those in need! Drop off your donations in the labeled box by or on the white tables located in the Ham-Will atrium. The drive will last from Nov. 16 (starting at 12pm) to Nov. 23!

OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Creative Arts House
Contact: Elise Crawford at