Healthy Tip of the Week: Get Your Daily Dose of Sunshine!

Changes in mood during the winter months are relatively common. Whether it is diagnosed seasonal depression or just mood variations, lack of sun exposure is proven to impact our moods. As most people know, our main source of Vitamin D is from the sun. Vitamin D deficiencies can lead to a variety of chronic health conditions including depression. To avoid a deficiency this winter, step outside into the sunshine when the sun actually comes out; even a little bit of sunshine is shown to boost your mood. For more consistent vitamin D exposure, consume foods that contain vitamin D like fortified cereals and milks, eggs, salmon, tuna, soy milk, certain mushrooms, etc. Keep walking on sunshine, Bishops!

Source: Bushak, Lecia. “How To Maintain Healthy Levels Of Vitamin D When It’s Too Cold Outside.” Medical Daily, 14 Feb. 2015,

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OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: OWU Student Health Center
Contact: Leigh Stavar at