English Advising & Registration Event – TODAY!

The English Department and English Student Board invite all students for a virtual information session and Q&A TODAY, Oct. 28 from 5-6pm to discuss advising, registration, and Spring 2021 course offerings. The unprecedented nature of college-during-covid and remote learning have brought about unique stressors and questions, and we are here to help! Join Professor Nancy Comorau, Professor Amy Butcher, and English Student board members Faith Brammer, Lily Callander, Hope Lopez, and Anna Edmiston as we share insight, recommendations, how-tos, and tips. This session is ideal for first-year students who are interested in literature and/or writing or simply want to learn more about what the Department of English has to offer and how our courses can be a fun and enjoyable way to fulfill university distribution requirements. Join us!

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Meeting ID: 941 2827 4284
Passcode: 575597
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OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: English Department
Contact: Beth Fedoush at bmfedoush@owu.edu