Q&A with Female Entrepreneurs

Join the Honors Board in a Q&A discussion on Tuesday, Oct. 27 at 4:30 pm via Zoom with two female entrepreneurs from the Delaware Entrepreneurial Center! Kelly Augspurger from Steadfast Insurance and Amy Kelly from My Bookworm Box will offer their insight and experience in entrepreneurship in a moderated discussion with a Q&A session to follow! The Zoom and RSVP link are listed below.
RSVP – https://forms.gle/oobjQTgpCZtyvdrB6
Zoom Link – https://owu-edu.zoom.us/j/99295411057?pwd=ZTFrb1ZFdTBueTRVTWVPMit3blNRQT09

OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Honors Board.
Contact: Grace Ison at geison@owu.edu