Oct. 22 & 23 – Orchesis 20/21 Takes it Outside in Free Outdoor Dance Performances and Videos

The cast of Orchesis 20/21 invites you to a free socially-distanced, progressive outdoor program choreographed by students and dance faculty.

For the campus community, Orchesis 20/21 is scheduled to include four performances of two acts each on Oct. 22, Oct. 23, Oct. 29, and Oct. 30.

For the live performances, Act I will begin at 4 p.m. and Act II at 7 p.m., using the darkness to create a “Drive-in Screendance” program. For Act I, attendees should gather at the top of the stairs leading from South Sandusky Street to Slocum Hall. For Act II, attendees should gather in their vehicles in the parking lot between Chappelear Drama Center and Beeghly Library or sit on the lawn next to the lot.

In all instances, campus audience members need to wear facial coverings and maintain at least 6 feet of physical distance from others.

For the general public, Ohio Wesleyan will debut the two-acts via Zoom at 8 p.m. Oct. 29. Click here to register for access to the online event.

Visit owu.edu/orchesis for the latest details.