Oct. 17 – Womxn Speak Out w/ Lynae Bogues

This will be a space for marginalized womxn on campus to share their stories through spoken word art and healing conversations with activist and Black history teacher Lynae Bogues (IG:_lyneezy). Lynae will perform a couple of her pieces on Black women’s liberation and will then open up her platform to focus on individual and community healing. A few students from OWU will be sharing pieces as well, and the event will end with an open mic for any students who want to share something.

This event is taking place at the OWU amphitheater (painted wall next to Ham-Wil!) and will occur from 6-8 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 17. There will be hot drinks, but please dress warmly and bring blankets to sit on! It will be chilly and this event is outside for COVID safety reasons.

Zoom link for remote students: https://bit.ly/379e5W7

OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: COW & OMSA
Contact: Abby Carlson at aecarlso@owu.edu