Spring 2021 Study Away Q&A (Online)

If you are interested in studying away/ abroad during the spring semester 2021, now is the time to start thinking about where you might go! Visit the Steps to Study Away webpage (https://bit.ly/3cGqRuM) to learn more about preparing for studying off-campus.

Our full info session titled “Round One” is also online – https://bit.ly/2Y7ntou This Google Slide presentation covers the benefits of studying away, eligibility requirements, our approved programs, academic planning, financial aid & budgeting, and how to apply.

Feel free to email the assistant director of international & off-campus programs, Lisa Ho (llho@owu.edu) with any questions or to set up a Google Hangout to go over your options.

OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: IOCP- OWU Connection.
Contact: Lisa Ho at llho@owu.edu