Pause for Mental Health: That discomfort you’re feeling is grief

Our OWU community (and the world at large) continues to respond to significant shifts in our day-to-day life. What’s more, we’ve no idea how long we will be expected to manage these changes. Paired with the unknowns are the losses that OWU students are experiencing. Perhaps you were instantly removed from the sport you love, a new friend you were just getting close to, or your final semester as an OWU senior. Big and smaller losses abound.

The following article validates these challenges and suggests part of what we are experiencing is grief. David Kessler, a renowned expert on grief, suggests if we work to recognize and understand our grief we can more readily recover from these tough losses. Please read on for further supportive words!

OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Counseling Services.
Contact: Julie Duhigg at