Tonight – “Coming Home” Movie Showing

The YDSA, College Republicans, and College Democrats are showing a series of war movies in relation to Feb. 25th’s lecture, “Our War in Vietnam.” Feb. 18th, “Coming Home” will be shown at 8pm in Stuy Fishbowl. “Coming Home” is about the wife of a Marine serving in Vietnam. The wife, Sally Hyde, decides to volunteer at a local veterans hospital to occupy her time. There she meets Luke Martin, a frustrated wheelchair-bound vet who has become disillusioned with the war. Don’t miss it!

Start Date: 2020-02-18
Start Time: 08:00PM
End Date: 2020-02-18
End Time: 10:30PM

OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: College Republicans, YDSA, College Democrats
Contact: Amanda Hays at