Feb. 21 – OWU Baran Post-Graduate Fellowship Information Session with Current Baran Fellows

Are you a Freshmen, sophomore, or junior with a good GPA and plans for post-graduate study? Do you need financial support for your current research or academic study at OWU? If so, keep reading. Thanks to a generous donation by Ohio Wesleyan University alumni Jan W. Baran (’70) and his wife Kathryn Baran, the “Jan W. Baran and Kathryn K. Baran Endowed Fund for the Encouragement of Post Graduate Fellowships” is available for OWU students (freshmen, sophomores, or juniors) who have plans to go onto graduate school and will apply for nationally competitive fellowships such as the Rhodes, Marshall, Mitchell, and Fulbright in the near future. The purpose of the fellowship is to help fund student research or study projects that will make one more competitive for future post-graduate scholarships. For more information, please refer tohttps://www.owu.edu/academics/honors-program/grants-fellowships/owu-fellowships-for-owu-students/. The three current Baran Fellows will discuss their research projects and provide information on the fellowship. For questions please contact Dr. Anne Sokolsky, aesokols@owu.edu. The Baran Fellows Information Session will be Friday, February 21 from 12 to 1:00 in Merrick 203.

OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Honors Program.
Contact: Anne Sokolsky at aesokols@owu.edu