Jan.  22 – Study Abroad Program Reps Visiting Campus!

Are you interested in learning more about off-campus study?
We have two reps visiting Wednesday, tabling in the Atrium during the noon hour and available to meet with students by appointment.

Ellen Crow from The School for Field Studies ( ecrow@fieldstudies.org ) and Craig McDonald from S.I.T. (craig.mcdonald@sit.edu) will be on campus Jan. 22 to answer questions and share information about their respective programs.

Please email them directly to set up a one-on-one meeting or just swing by their table in the Atrium in Ham-Wil during the lunch hour to learn a bit about what their programs have to offer.

Hope to see you there!

OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: I.O.C.P.
Contact: Dawn Wright at studyaway@owu.edu