How to Survive the Holidays – Health Tip of the Week

Holidays can be a lot. Students (including me) countdown days to break with anticipation, believing that the break will recharge one’s batteries. However the Holiday bustle can be depleting as well, with the too sugary and fatty diet, the long list of presents to get, the endless traveling, and the desire to reserve as much time as possible for friends and family. There is also the unfortunate coincidence that a lot of job/internship/graduate school applications all happen to be due December 31st, or January 15th. So how can we survive it all?

It can be difficult to make time for physical activity during the Holidays. Try to get at least 20 minutes of movement most days. There are a lot of fun exercises you can enjoy with friends like sledding, ice skating, winter hikes, and (my favorite) snowball fights. Pre-plan your workouts over the break, and schedule strength training at least every 4 days. ALSO DO YOUR WORKOUTS IN THE MORNING! Use your exercises to relieve your holiday stress and as an excuse to get out of the house when needed.

With christmas cookies galore, a balanced diet can also be difficult to manage. Do not skip meals or snacks earlier in the day to “save” calories. Instead eat a healthy breakfast. You’ll then be less likely to overeat on the holiday goodies. Organize your plate with ½ veggies, ¼ starches, and ¼ protein and eat the best-for-you offerings first.

My best piece of advice is to spend some time in the beginning of break writing out goals that you want to accomplish. Write out the applications you must complete, the activities you want to do with friends, and the stores you want to visit or a book/movie you want to enjoy

The Health Center wishes you a wonderful break.

OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Student Health Center
Contact: Lexi Lease at