Health Tip of the Week – Plan B Side Effects

You have exams, work and a never ending list of papers that you pray you can finish and turn into blackboard by 11:59 p.m. The last thing you want in this world is a pregnancy scare. Realizing that you need to take Plan B in the first place is nerve wracking. Not knowing what side-effects are common and not-so-common can also be scary.

It is very normal to have nausea and experience some vomiting after taking Plan B. As long as you do not throw up within 2 hours of ingesting the Plan B then there is no need to worry.

Within a few days of taking plan B you might also experience dizziness, headaches, depressed mood and fatigue. These are common side effects and should not cause worry unless it lasts for several days.

It is also really common and almost expected that your period will be changed because you are having a super dose of levonorgestrel that is supposed to impact your cycle. Regular bleeding is the main symptom that can persist for days after taking Plan B. This can include, light bleeding, heavy bleeding, spotting, and changes in the duration of your period. It is also very common to experience cramping and breast tenderness after taking Plan B. Cramping and tenderness should only be experienced within a day or two of taking Plan B. To help with these symptoms take ibuprofen, it will not affect Plan B at all.

If you have anymore questions, call the student health center at 740-368-3160 or schedule an appointment by emailing–vomiting/care-and-treatment

OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Student Health Center
Contact: Lexi Lease at