Nov. 6 & 7 – Want to Study Away/Abroad Fall 2020? FAQ Meeting!

Everything you wanted to know but were afraid to ask can be answered at our upcoming Off-Campus FAQ sessions.

If you have any interest in studying off campus next fall, or have begun the process but ran into a challenge, please attend one of these sessions. We can guide you through the process, help you figure out where might be the best fit and just answer questions you might have. Now is the time to explore!

Wednesday, 11/6 12pm HWCC #229 (2nd floor right off Crider Lounge)
Thursday, 11/7 12pm Merrick Hall #106 (first floor second room down from the bakery)

Hope to see you there.

Feel free to contact us at “” if you have any questions!

OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: IOCP
Contact: Dawn Wright at