WCSA Elections!

Are you interested in creating change at OWU? Are you looking for an opportunity to become a student leader? Consider joining student government!

The Wesleyan Council on Student Affairs (WCSA) is your student government at OWU, serving as a liaison between the student body and administration. Electing student representatives ensures that WCSA can carry out its goals and mission effectively. The election will be held Friday, November 1.

This year, WCSA will be transitioning from a calendar year election cycle (January to December) to an academic year election cycle (August to May). The students elected on November 1 will serve a one semester term from January to May. In the spring, another election will be held for the full 2020-2021 academic year term. Students elected for the spring term will still have the opportunity to run for the 2020-2021 term.

If you are interested in running for a position, please fill out the appropriate form below. Each form has more information about that office. The forms will remain open until Friday, October 18.

*(Students are not permitted to begin campaigning until after the forms have closed and they have been informed by the WCSA Elections Commission.)

President: https://forms.gle/Qojb94Kq9ta2XVnp6.

Vice-President: https://forms.gle/EfdrUyc7ZAPVGj4GA.

Treasurer: https://forms.gle/nNegCMtBn2rJwsPNA.

Secretary: https://forms.gle/hrBo3u5zXAngqzwo9.

Class Representative: https://forms.gle/EDEbxL8ok9XeKuJ6A.

Senator: https://forms.gle/ExdUNCZk6SjqvKmo6.

SIAC: https://forms.gle/z4pv93qyduV2SSYd9.

Letter of Recommendation for SIAC: https://forms.gle/DUuZR4L4iLzRrd1r9.

Questions? Contact wcsaexec@owu.edu.

OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Wesleyan Council on Student Affairs.
Contact: Brandon Stevens at wcsaexec@owu.edu.