Oct. 8 @ 7 p.m. – Filmmaker & OWU Alum to Screen Films with Q&A

OWU Film Studies alum William Fairbanks (Spring ’19) will be screening several of his most recent music videos, as well as clips from a TV pilot, in Phillips Hall, Room 209 next Tuesday, Oct. 8, from 7-8:30 p.m. A Q&A will be held with the filmmaker following the screenings. Students, faculty, staff and alums are invited to attend this event and are encouraged to bring others who might be interested as well.

This is a wonderful opportunity to see the work of a recent OWU Film Studies grad, and to ask him about his experiences as a working filmmaker.

For more details, please contact Kyle McDaniel at krmcdaniel@owu.edu.

OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Department of Journalism and Communication.
Contact: Kyle McDaniel at journalism@owu.edu.