October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Please take note of the following events to help raise awareness about Domestic Violence during Domestic Violence Awareness Month.

Flags on the Jay: 34,560 people experience rape, physical violence or stalking by an intimate partner per day in the United States. Each flag represents 24 people.  The amount of people that experience intimate partner violence per minute in the U.S

October 17: Healthy Relationships and How to Help a Friend: Come learn about healthy relationships, warning signs of relationship abuse, and how to help a friend experiencing this. Hosted by Shayla Krecklow, Counseling Services, and Helpline.

October 25: Wear purple in honor of those that have experienced violence by an intimate partner!

October 30: Take Back the Night and Speak Out! Join members of the community in hosting a campus march to raise awareness about DV ending with a speak out and candlelight vigil. Speak outs can include poems, music, sharing of experiences etc.
**Please note that sharing your personal experiences will not activate a University response.

OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: The Bishop Way
Contact: Jess Ettell Irvine at jlettell@owu.edu