Health Center Tip of the Week

Having a diet like Willy Wonka from the chocolate factory can have more consequences than you would think. We all know that a diet high in sugar can bring many issues, primarily an increased chance of causing diabetes and heart problems. However not many people know that this type of sugary diet can affect how you think.

Brain functions such as memory, learning and thinking are closely linked to glucose levels in your blood. Although the brain needs glucose, too much of it can be a bad thing, leading to a decrease in communication between hemispheres of the brain. One study even correlated a high sugary diet to the aging of neurons in the brains of rats.

To be fair, how good was Willy Wonka’s memory if he kept on losing kids in different rooms? Do yourself a favor, try to limit your sugar intake to around 25 grams per day or 6 teaspoons. Your brain will be smarter for it.

OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: OWU Student Health Center.
Contact: Lexi Lease at